Manage all aspects of your provisioning from home or office using the CONNECT web portal.
Similarly, your resellers use the CONNECT web portal to setup their end customers. Once you have setup a reseller, the reseller can fully provision their end customers in real time without any effort on your part.
CONNECT supports Business trunks, SIP end points and inbound numbers like 1300 and 1800. You control the setup of persistent profiles on the Metaswitch that contains the features and class of service and CONNECT allows your resellers to choose services from these profiles.
CONNECT provides full end customer service order management and tracking for your resellers, with full visibility to you the owner, and automatic email notifications to the reseller and end customer.
Where the provisioning process is long, Meta-Provisioning will walk the reseller step by step through the process and provide a reassuring summary at the end of the successful process.